Viktor Sergeevich Ponomarenko was born in Starosherbinkovskaya Cossack village (Krasnodar Territory) in 1987. He graduated from Krasnodar College of Fine Arts in 2009. He continued his education at Repin St. Petersburg State Academy of Painting, Scuplture and Architecture, where he studied book graphics under the guidance of A.A. Pakhomov and became a graduate in 2015.
List of exhibitions:
«I love you, Peter`s creation!» (rus. «Люблю тебя, Петра творенье!»), St. Petersburg, Academy of Fine Arts, the Italian hall, May 2010.
«The regional exhibition of young artists», Krasnodar, The Krasnodar Regional Fine Arts Exhibition Hall, September 2010.
«The all-Russian fine arts exhibition: The Young Artists of Russia», Moscow, The Central House of Artists, November 2010.
«Plein Air 2010», St. Petersburg, «The Artists` Attic» gallery, November 2010.
«The Early Spring», St. Petersburg, «The Artists` Attic» gallery, March 2011.
«Reviving the classics», St. Petersburg, Academy of Fine Arts, the Italian hall, April 2011.
«The Time», St. Petersburg, the St. Petersburg Union of Artists exhibition hall, June 2011.
«Space within and without», St. Petersburg, the St. Petersburg Union of Artists exhibition hall, July 2011.
«The Engravings of Academy of Fine Arts», Miass, Chelyabinsk Region, October 2011.
«The graphics exhibition, held by the "Campfire" magazine, St. Petersburg, the Pushkin Library, November 2011.
«The art and the reality», the international forum, St. Petersburg, the Presidential Library, November 2011.
«The flowers of the sun» (personal exhibition), St. Petersburg, «The Artists` Attic» gallery, April 2012.
«The march of the victors», St. Petersburg, Academy of Fine Arts, the Italian hall, April 2012.
«In remembrance Pisakhov», Arkhangelsk, the Dobroliubov Library, July 2012.
"Loft Art Fair", St. Petersburg, the «Weavers» gallery, July 2012.
The international plein air festival in Finland and the exhibition in Imatra, July-August 2012.
«The artist`s portrait», St. Petersburg, the «Non-existent floor» workshop, March 2013.
«The Dream», the «Now» time café, April 2013.
«The Savior of the Apple Feast Day», Krasnodar, The Krasnodar Regional Fine Arts Exhibition Hall, August 2013.
The «Red Gift», the Erarta Gallery, London, the UK, February 2014.
«Spring 2014», the Union of Artists exhibition hall, St. Petersburg, March 2014.
«Private life», the Erarta gallery, St. Petersburg, March – April 2014.
«The Russian North», a joint exhibition with Fateyeva A.V., St. Petersburg, «The Artists` Attic» gallery, April – May 2014.
The «ART MUC» modern art festival, Munich, Germany, May – June 2014.
«The material world» (a personal exhibition), St. Petersburg, «The open workshops», The Ligovskaya Library, 2014.
«The Chinese-Russian travelling exhibition of culture and art I», Anyang, China, July 2014.
«The Chinese-Russian travelling exhibition of culture and art II», Anyang, China, August 2014.
«The Chinese-Russian travelling exhibition of culture and art III», Anyang, China, October 2014.
«The summer plein air festival», Imatra, Finland, the city administration office, October – November 2014.
«The thankful Russia» (a charitable trade exhibition), St. Petersburg Union of Artists exhibition hall, St. Exhibition, November 2014.
The «Game Changers», the Erarta Galleries, Hong Kong, China, October – December 2014. 32. «IrReal», the «Werkstatt» Gallery (a joint exhibition with Katharina Lehmann and Manuela Xavier), Munich, Germany, December 2014.
33. «The event that never happened» (a joint exhibition with A. Speerenkov, I. Steltsov, A. Kompaniets), St. Petersburg, the «Erarta» gallery, August – September 2015.
Victor`s artworks have also been included in numerous private collections in Russia, Ukraine, Finland, the U