Svetlana was born in Tolyatti on the 15-th of May, 1984.
In 2006 she graduated from Tolyatti State University with honors, earning a degree in fine arts and design.
Svetlana Shebarshina has been a full-time member of the Russian Federation of Artists since 2008.
List of exhibitions:
2014 – the "Summer Mood 2014", the «League» picture gallery, Kolomna.
2014 – the expo, held by the art-group «THURSDAYS» and the presentation of its almanac. The Zverevsky center of modern art, Moscow.
2013 – a personal expo «The Subway» (27.12 – 10.01), the «Serge» gallery, Moscow.
2013 – the "Everything about women" exhibition (13.11. – 23.11.), the Central House of Artists, Moscow.
2013 – "Vera, Nadezhda, Lubov and their mother Sofia. The traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church. The International Foundation of Slavic Writing and Culture, Moscow.
2013 – the "How the youth sees Moscow» exhibition, Central House of Artists, Moscow.
2013 – the "Moscow and Muscovites» expo, Москва и Москвичи", the Moscow Union of Artists, Begovaya str., 7/9, Moscow.
2013 – the "Summer Mood 2014», the «League» picture gallery, Kolomna.
2013 – the "Thursdays" expo, the Zverevsky center of modern art, Moscow.
2012 – a personal exhibition «The Inner Migration», the Zverevsky center of modern art, Moscow.
2012 – «The city we pass by» expo, the Zverevsky center of modern art, Moscow.
2011 – «The parallel process» exhibition, the Moscow House of Artists (Kuznetsky Most, 11), Moscow.
2011 – «The Golden Brush» expo, the Central House of Artists, Moscow.
2011 – the "Youth - ХХХI", the Moscow Union of Artists, Begovaya str., 7/9, Moscow.
2011 – "Art blues*11", the Tolyatti Museum of Fine Arts, Tolyatti.
2010 – the «Work of art of the year 2010» expo, the Tolyatti Museum of Fine Arts, Tolyatti.
2010 – the all-Russian art exhibition «The young artists of Russia», the Central House of Artists, Moscow.
2010 – "Art blues*10", the Tolyatti Museum of Fine Arts, Tolyatti.
2009 – "The young artists of Moscow", the Moscow House of Artists (Kuznetsky Most, 11), Moscow.
2009 – «The Golden Brush» expo, the Central House of Artists, Moscow.
2009 – "Youth - XXIX", the Moscow Union of Artists, Begovaya str., 7/9, Moscow.
2008 – a personal exhibition in the «Dacha» gallery, Moscow.
2008 – "The Contemporary Art Today», the «Moscow House of Nationalities» gallery, Moscow.
2008 – "The Young Talents of Moscow" expo, the «Zamoskvorechye» state exhibition hall, Moscow.
2008 – the exhibition, held by the «Point of interest» art-group, the «Roof» gallery, Moscow.
2007 – " Refracting the Reality», the «ARTPLAY» Designing Center, Moscow.
2007 – the all-Russian «Levels of skill» exhibition of the works, submitted by lecturers and university students, studying fine arts and design. Tolyatti. Svetlana was a runner-up in the «Scuplture» nomination.
2006 – Svetlana won the contest of graduate theses, devoted to the fine arts.
2006 – the «Work of art of the year 2006» expo, the Tolyatti Museum of Fine Arts, Tolyatti.
Svetlana`s artworks have been included in numerous private collections in Russia, Macedonia, Belarus, Austria, the USA.