Painting for Valeriy Khattin is only a part of his creativity. He was engaged in poetry and prose, wrote philosophical works. He came to art only at the age of 20, and became an artist by 25. The master says: "I began to feel like an artist in 1989".
From this moment not so many years past, and Khattin is already known in the circle of fans and art lovers in St. Petersburg. He is a participant of the exhibitions in St. Petersburg: 4 individual and 8 joint, as well as exhibitions in Moscow, Norway, Sweden.
Valeriy became popular due to his works joint in a series titled "People under God" that were made by the artist in 1989. These works were made in tones of ocher, they are minimalistic and incredibly heartfelt. People left alone with the universe are depicted on canvases. Their fragile figures silently wonder about the place of humanity and every individual in the vast universe. Canvases convey the feeling of human insecurity and at the same time his significance. Conciseness of colors and shades give special atmosphere to Khattin’s pictures. Fine art expert S.M. Zhavoronkov gave title to this series of pictures.
The artist created works, which made him famous in a very short period of time, in the same breath. A series of paintings not only gave glory to Khattin, but brought material prosperity. The artist's works were bought by collectors from different countries and galleries.
So, Valeriy Khattin created his own style of painting. But despite the demand fraught with edition, he has not exhausted itself in one subject, constantly and dramatically changing stories and style.
Other series of works saw the light. There is brightness and picturesque in the creativity of Khattin. These paintings were created by active smear, combining color spots, merging into a single space. Rituality, which was in the "ocher series", becomes the antithesis of joyful nature, sun-drenched light.