Painter - Otvetchikova Svetlana - Galery Art-Icon
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Svetlana Otvetchikova is an artist, designer, a prominent representative of the Moscow Art Community.

A number of the artist’s works are in possession of private collections from Russia, France, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, etc.

Svetlana studied design at MAMI State University, painting and drawing by attending the classes of the studio at the International Artist’s Foundation.  Since 2002 Svetlana has worked as an independent artist. Since 2011 Svetlana has been a member of the International Association of Designers.

“Whatever technique and style I use, I keep on painting air in any of my works. The one that bestows love or maybe the one that takes it out and chokes like a tight sward belt. It is gorgeous and fabulous in any guise. ”

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